
Veröffentlichungen aus ARAMiS II


A Hybrid NoC Enabling Fail-Operational and Hard Real-Time Communication in MPSoC. Koenen, Max, et al. 2019. Copenhagen, Denmark. 32nd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2019).

A Model-Based Development Approach for Deploying and Scheduling Safety-Critical Systems on Multi-Core Platforms. Lalo, E., et al. 2019. Hong Kong, China. Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2019).

Cache Timing Attacks on NoC-based MPSoCs. Reinbrecht, Cezar, Forlin, Bruno und Sepulved, Johanna. 2019. Microprocessors and Microsystems, Bd. 66.

Channel Mapping Strategies for Effective Protection Switching in Fail-Operational Hard Real-Time NoCs. Koenen, Max, et al. 2019. New York, 2019. NOCS 2019.

Combined Data Transfer Response Time and Mapping Exploration in MPSoCs. Diewald, Alexander, Barner, Simon und Saidi, Selma. 2019. Stuttgart, Germany. 10th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS) co-located with ECRTS.

(Dis)Advantages of Lock-free Synchronization Mechanisms for Multicore Embedded Systems. Jahic, Jasmin, et al. 2019. Kyoto, Japan, 2019. THE 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON EMBEDDED MULTICORE SYSTEMS (ICPP-EMS 2019).

ECRTS Waters Industrial  Challenge. Hamann, Arne. 2019. Stuttgart, Germany.

Employing Static Analysis to Achieve Spatial Freedom from Interference. Bräunling, Felix. 2019. Berlin. Automotive ISO 26262.

Extending EAST-ADL for Modeling and Analysis of Partitions on Functional Architectures. Etzel, Christoph und Bauer, Bernhard. 2019. Prag, Czech Republic. 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2019).

HIM Official Release V 2.00 (rev4), Odendahl, Maximilian und Schürmans, Stefan. 2019. S. 2019.

Leveraging the Partial Reconfiguration Capability of FPGAs for Processor-Based Fail-Operational Systems. Dörr, Tobias, et al. 2019. Darmstadt. Applied Reconfigurable Computing – 15th International Symposium, ARC 2019.

Machine Learning controlled MPSoC Diagnosis / Debugging. TUM 2019, München, 2019.

Model-Based Methodology for Space Vehicles. Zverlov, Sergey, et al. 2019. Torremolinos, Málaga, 2019. Eurospace Annual Conference on Data Systems in Aerospace (DASIA 2019).

MPSoCs, Diagnosing DoS Attacks in NoC-based. Cesar, Chaves G., et al. 2019. Prien, Germany. Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen (TuZ 2019).

On Solving Task Allocation and Schedule Generation for Time-Triggered LET Systems using Constraint Programming. Lalo, Erjola, Weber, Raphael und Sailer, Andreas. 2019. Copenhagen, Denmark. 32nd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2019).

On the aspects of MPSoCs Security: Avoiding Logical Attacks with Network-on-Chip. Reinbrecht, Cezar, Forlin, Bruno und Sepulveda, Johanna. 2019. Sapporo, Japan. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2019).

Rapid Identification of Shared Memory in Multithreaded Embedded Systems with Static Scheduling. Jahic, Jasmin, et al. 2019. Kyoto, Japan, 2019. The 2019 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems (ICPP-EMS 2019).

Requirements-Based Testing and Structural Coverage. Weiss, Alexander. 2019.

Predictable and Runtime-Adaptable Network-On-Chip for Mixed-critical Real-time Systems. Tobuschat, Sebastian. Cuvillier Verlag. 260 pages.

Post-Quantum Enabled Cyber Physical Systems. Sepulveda, Johanna, Liu, Shiyang und Jose M. Bermudo, Mera. 2019.  IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.

Runtime Verification for Timed Event Streams with Partial Information. Leucker, Martin, et al. 2019. Porto, Portugal, 2019. 19th International Conference, RV 2019.

Supervised Testing of Embedded Concurrent Software. Jahic, Jasmin. 2019. Florenz, Italy. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2019), ACM PhD Forum.

System Performance Modelling of Heterogeneous HW Platforms: An Automated Driving Case Study. Wurst, Falk, et al. 2019. Kallithea, Chalkidiki | Greece, 2019. Euromicro DSD/SEAA 2019.

Test und Fehlersuche in komplexen Autonomen Systemen. Preusser, Thomas, et al. 2019.

Testing the Implementation of Concurrent AUTOSAR Drivers Against Architecture Decisions. Jahic, Jasmin, et al. 2019. Hamburg, Germany. IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2019).TimeWeaver: A Tool for Hybrid Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. Kästner, D., et al. 2019. Stuttgart, 2019. WCET 2019.

Tool-gestützte Entwicklung von effizienten Multi-Core Systeme für die Automotive Domäne. Friederich, Patrick. 2019. Stuttgart. FKFS Symposium.

Tool-gestützte Entwicklung von effizienten Multi-Core Systeme für die Automotive Domäne.  Friederich, Patrick. 2019. München, Germany. Embedded Multi-Core Conference (EMCC 2019).

Towards Formal Verification of Cache Access-based Side-Channel Attacks. Niazmand, Behrad, et al. 2019. Prien. Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen (TuZ 2019).

Towards memory integrity and authenticity of multi-processors system-on-chip using physical unclonable functions. Sepúlveda, Johanna, Wilgerodt, Felix und Pehl, Michael. 2019. it - Information Technology 61(1), S. 29-43.

Zeiteigenschaften in der Entwicklung Eingebetteter Systeme. Weber, Raphael. 2019. Munich, Germany. Embedded Multi-Core Conference (EMCC 2019).






A Fault Injection Approach to Evaluate Soft-Error Dependability of System Calls. Amarnath, Rakshith und Thaden, Eike. 2018. Memphis, Tennessee, USA., 2018. The 29th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2018).

A Framework for Non-Intrusive Trace-driven Simulation of Manycore Architectures with Dynamic Tracing Configuration. Jahic, Jasmin, et al. 2018. Limassol, Cyprus, 2018. Runtime Verification - 18th International Conference, RV 2018, Springer Konferenz.

APP4MC: An Open Source Platform for Automotive Multi-Core Systems. Ziegenbein, Dirk. 2018. Dresden, Germany, 2018. DATE18.

Architecture Exploration for Safety-Critical Systems. Diewald, Alexander, Barner, Simon und Voss, Sebastian. 2018. Dresden, Germany, 2018. DATE Workshop on New Platforms for Future Cars: Current and Emerging Trends (NPCAR).

BOSMI: A Framework for Non-Intrusive Monitoring and Testing of Embedded Multithreaded Software on the Logical Level. Jahić, Jasmin, et al. 2018. Samos, Griechenland, 2018. ACM Konferenz.


Constructing Safer Systems by Design. Stilkerich, Isabella. 2018. Berlin, Germany, 2018. Automotive ISO 26262: Functional Safety Adaptation and Integration.


Control Flow Analysis for Embedded Multi-Core Hybrid Systems. Hoppe, Augusto W., Kastensmidt, Fernanda Lima und Becker, Jürgen. 2018. Santorini, Greece, 2018. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing.


Detecting Safety- and Security-Relevant Programming Defects by Sound Static Analysis. Kästner, D., Mauborgne, L. und Ferdinand, C. 2018. Athens, Greece, 2018. International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems (CYBER 2018).


Earthquake - A NoC-based optimized differential collision cache attack for MPSoCs. Reinbrecht, C., et al. 2018. Dresden, Germany, 2018. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE).


EGIS NoC: A secure-enhanced interconnection to prevent Architectural Channel Attacks. Reinbrecht, C., et al. 2018. Freiburg, Germany TUZ - Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen.


Entwurfsabsicherung für eingebettete Mehrkernsysteme im Kontext der ISO 26262. Becker, Jan Steffen. 2018. Ulm, Germany, 2018. Workshop on Software Engineering for Applied Embedded RealTime Systems SE-AERTS.


Finding Safety Defects and Security Vulnerabilities by Static Analysis. Kästner, Daniel, Mauborgne, Laurent und Ferdinand, Christian. 2018. Nürnberg, Germany, 2018. Embedded World Conference 2018.


Future Automotive Systems Design: Research Challenges and Opportunities. Hamann, Arne und Ziegenbein, Dirk. 2018. Turin, Italien, 2018. International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS).


Hardware-Based Runtime Verification with Embedded Tracing Units and Stream Processing Convent. Convent, Lukas, et al. 2018. Limassol, Cyprus, 2018. 18th International Conference on Runtime Verification.


Kurzpräsentation der ARAMiS2 Themen von Airbus, Networking. Freitag, Johannes. 2018. Barcelona, Spanien, 2018. 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS18).


Model-based Design & Simulation Tools for Heterogeneous Automotive HW/SW Systems. Hamann, Arne. 2018. San Francisco CA, USA, 2018. DAC 2018 – 55 Design Automation Conference.


Obtaining Worst-Case Execution Time Bounds on Modern Microprocessors. Kästner, Daniel, et al. 2018. Nürnberg, Germany, 2018. Embedded World Conference 2018.


On Software Safety, Security, and Abstract Interpretation. Kästner, D., Mauborgne, L. und Ferdinand, C. 2018. Oxford, UK, 2018. International Symposium on Formal Methods.


Online Analysis of Debug Trace Data for Embedded Systems. Decker, Normann, et al. 2018. Dresden, Germany, 2018. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE).


Optimization of Systems With Nested Design Space. Hilbrich, Robert, et al. 2018. Vancouver, Kanada, 2018. IEEE Systems Conference 2018.


Semi-automatic Safety Analysis and Optimization. Munk, Peter. 2018. San Francisco CA, USA, 2018. DAC 2018 – 55 Design Automation Conference.


SEPUFSoC: Using PUFs for Memory Integrity and Authentication in Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip. Sepulveda, J., Willgerodt, F. und Pehl, M. 2018. Chicago, USA, 2018. GLSVLSI 2018 - ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.


Subutai: Distributed Synchronization Primitives in NoC Interfaces for Legacy Parallel-Applications. Cataldo, R., et al. 2018. San Francisco CA, USA, 2018. DAC 2018 – 55 Design Automation Conference.


TeSSLa: Runtime Verification of Non-synchronized Real-Time Streams. Leucker, Martin, et al. 2018. Pau, France, 2018. 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC).


TeSSLa: Temporal Stream-based Specification Language. Convent, Lukas, et al. 2018. Salvador, Brazil, 2018. 21st Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods.


Towards Fail-Operational Systems on Controller Level Using Heterogeneous Multicore SoC Architectures and Hardware Support. Sepulveda, J., et al. 2018. Bremen, Germany, 2018. ETS 2018 - 23rd European Test Symposium.


Towards Fail-Operational Systems on Controller Level Using Heterogeneous Multicore SoC Architectures and Hardware Support. Bapp, F. K., et al. 2018. Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2018. WCX : SAE World Congress Experience.


Towards the formal verification of security properties of a Network-on-Chip router. Sepulveda, J., Aboul-Hassan, D. und Sauer, M. 2018. Freiburg, Germany, 2018. TUZ 2018 - Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen.


Virtual Integration for Pattern-Based Contracts with the KIND2 Model Checker. Becker, Jan Steffen. 2018. Maynooth, Ireland, 2018. 23rd International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2018).


Vorstellung von ASSIST und den Arbeiten des DLR auf der Industriemesse SPS IPC Drives. Hilbrich, Robert. 2018. Nürnberg, 2018. SPS IPC Drives.


Vortrag zu ASSIST und den Arbeiten des DLR auf dem Eclipse DemoCamp. Hilbrich, Robert. 2018. Regensburg, 2018. Eclipse DemoCamps 2018/Regensburg.


Zeiteigenschaften in der Entwicklung Eingebetteter Systeme. Weber, Raphael. 2018. Sindelfingen, 2018. ESE-Kongress.





A Security-aware Routing Implementation for Dynamic Data Protection in Zone-based MPSoC. Sepulveda, J., et al. 2017. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2017. 30th SBCCI 2017 - IEEE Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design.

Architekturvarianten sicherheitskritischer Echtzeitsysteme. Becker, U., Stilkerich, I. und Münzenberger, R. 2017. Sindelfingen, Germany, 2017. Embedded Systems Engineering Congress.

Becker, U., et al. 10.2017. Kostengünstig? Aber sicher! Bewertung von Architekturvarianten im Kontext von ISO 26262 und harter Echtzeit. HANSER Automotive. 10.2017, S. 10-18.

Cache Attacks and countermeasures for NTRUEncrypt on MPSoCs: Post-quantum Resistance for the IoT. Sepulveda, J., Zankl, A. und Mischke, O. 2017. Munich, Germany, 2017. 30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference.

Demystifying Soft-Error Mitigation by Control-Flow Checking - A New Perspective on its Effectiveness. Schuster, Simon, et al. 2017. Seoul, South Korea, 2017. EMSOFT 2017 / ACM TECS Journal.

Detecting Safety- and Security- Relevant Programming Defects by Sound Static Analysis. Kästner, Daniel, Mauborgne, Laurent und Ferdinand, Christian. 2017. Barcelona, Spain, 2017. CYBER 2017.

Developing Safety-critical Systems on Multi-core. The ARAMiS Way. Baldovin, Andrea et al. 2017. Webex/GE Niskayuna, New York, USA, 2017.

Evaluation of Architecture Variants for Hard Real-Time Systems. Stilkerich, I. und Pinecker, F. 2017. Stuttgart, Germany, 2017. EUROFORUM ISO 26262 Conference.

Experiences gained from modeling and solving large mapping problems during system design. Hilbrich, Robert und Behrisch, Michael. 2017. Montreal, Canada, 2017. IEEE Systems Conference 2017.

Exploiting Bus Communication to Improve Cache Attacks on Systems-on-Chips. Sepulveda, J., et al. 2017. Bochum, Germany, 2017. ISVLSI 2017 – IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI.

Hardware Security and MPSoCs. Sepulveda, Johanna. 2017. New York, NY, USA, 2017.

Importance of HW models in developing applications for MSoCs. Kuntz, Stefan. 2017. Munich, Germany, 2017. 3rd Embedded Multi-Core Conference (EMCC) .

Introduction to Hardware-Oriented Security for MPSoCs. Polian, I., Regazzoni, F. und Sepulveda, J. 2017. Munich, Germany, 2017. 30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference.

Rapidly Adjustable Non-Intrusive Online Monitoring for Multi-core Systems. Decker, Normann, et al. 2017. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 2017. 20th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF).

Reinbrecht, C., et al. 2017. Timing Attack on NoC-based Systems: Prime+Probe Attack and NoC-based Protection. [Hrsg.] Springer. Microprocessors and Microsystems EMBEDDED HARDWARE DESIGN. 2017.

Safe and Secure Multi-core Systems for Critical Applications. Sepulveda, Johanna. 2017. Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.

Satisfying Safety and Security Requirements by Static Code Analysis. 2017. Stuttgart, Germany, 2017. Euroforum Jahrestagung ISO 26262.

Schuster, S., et al. 2017. Demystifying Soft-Error Mitigation by Control-Flow Checking - A New Perspective on its Effectiveness. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 2017.

Sepulveda, J., et al. 2017. Efficient Security Zones Implementation through Hierarchical Group Key Management at NoC-Based MPSoCs. [Hrsg.] Springer. Microprocessors and Microsystems EMBEDDED HARDWARE DESIGN. 2017.

Side-Channel Attack Resilience through Route Randomisation in Secure Real-Time Networks-on-Chip. Indrusiak, L., Harbin, J. und Sepulveda, J. 2017. Madrid, Spain, 2017. 12th ReCoSoC 2017 – IEEE International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-Centric System-on-Chip.

Simulating Autonomous Vehicles and Future Mobility Concepts in Urban Areas. Hilbrich, Robert und Behrisch, Michael. 2017. Toulouse, France, 2017. EclipseCon Europe 2017.

Stilkerich, I., et al. 5.2017. The Perfect Getaway: Using Escape Analysis in Embedded Real-Time Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). 5.2017.

Towards Multicore WCET Analysis. Wegener, Simon. 2017. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017. WCET 2017.

Towards Post-quantum Security for IoT Endpoints with NTRU. Sepulveda, Johanna. 2017. Lausanne, Switzerland , 2017. Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE).

Towards Protected MPSoC Communication for Information Protection against a Malicious NoC. Sepulveda, Johanna. 2017. Zurich, Switzerland, 2017.

Towards Trace-driven Cache Attacks by Exploiting Bus Communication on Systems-on-Chips. Sepulveda, J., et al. 2017. Madrid, Spain, 2017. 12th ReCoSoC 2017 – IEEE International Symposium on Reconfigurable Communication-Centric System-on-Chip.

Verification of execution traces using TeSSLa: A Real-Time Specification Language. Jahic, Jasmin, et al. 2017. Munich, Germany, 2017.



Systems Engineering based on the Correctness by Construction Principle. Hilbrich, Robert. 2016. Berlin, Germany, 2016. IQPC System Safety EUROPE.